
The Best (and Easiest) Breakfast!

By Brittany Studer - Publisher of Macaroni Kid Springfield, PA June 16, 2020

As Summer quickly approaches, I have no intention of slaving over a hot stove. I love cold sandwiches, salads and anything not made on the grill and not in the oven. That means sometimes we need to get creative. The other morning I was looking around for breakfast ideas. Typically, we have cereal or oatmeal but they tend to get old fast, especially now that the kids aren't in school. So on the hunt for something new, I dove through the freezer. After pulling out toaster strudel, waffles and homemade smoothie packs, I found the golden ticket. Frozen pancakes and pre-cooked sausage patties. 

I know what you're thinking.... why? Well, I'll fill you in! Because they're easy. For this mom of 3, they are super for breakfast on the go. Preparation is simple. I load up a plate with frozen pancakes (2 per person) and make a separate plate of sausages (1 sausage per sandwich). Zap everything in the microwave for the desired amount of time and pop it together in a sandwich. I tend to drizzle a tiny bit of honey over the top to give a sweet and salty kick and it's approved by all 3 of my littles!

I hope you get a chance to try them!